If you are not “forced” to attend a regular group meeting and thus have to maintain a certain routine and do some “homework”, it is difficult to fight every day’s distractions and keep a more or less strict schedule. Now I realize how much time I wasted while living alone, having all the time and opportunity to perform a daily routine. Living with a family, a new born, a 6 years old and of course partner, limits your free time and space – unless you have a huge house or farm maybe. A friend of mine let’s his kids participate in his performances letting them take the role of the angels during the LBRP, holding swords and so. This would distract me severely, I could not concentrate. So usually I am using late evenings or the night to perform some of my rituals. This of course means that I have to be reasonable. I can not vibrate the divine names the way I want to. I have tried various ways but the most effective for me includes some kind of volume (although I am not screaming). Chanting the names works but also then I would need some sound. So usually I am remaining rather quiet trying to vibrate the names more within, which seems to be a bit difficult for me.
The other problem is that yo need some preparation before the ritual but also some time afterwards. It makes no sense to just switch of the TV and start ritual and afterwards going back to the kitchen doing the dishes or just going to bed. Before the ritual you have to start to build up your concentration and focus by maybe a ritual cleaning or at least some meditation. After the ritual, you need some time to let the effects and the power of the ritual settle within you. After this you should make your journal entry and then maybe another moment of silence and peace before going to bed. In my case, before the ritual is baby feeding and afterwards preparing milk or other stuff for the night. Now you say so do that stuff first and then work afterwards. But I better use the time when I have it. I can prepare milk when I am holding a just woken up crying baby. I can not perform a ritual holding the baby in my arms at the same time. And the mother? Well, she deserves her night’s sleep since she is getting up during nights (me working full time), so she can’t help. Additionally she is not that supportive of my “Abrakadabra” or Hokuspokus” stuff. She is tolerating it but not really supportive.
Since I am not an early morning person and since my night’s sleep is limited anyways, working before everyone is awake is not an option either. This way, I cherish the time alone at home during days when everyone else is gone.
Obviously the office is a bad place too – although I have performed some daily solar adorations in the morning and at noon now and then.
Sometimes a solitary practitioner really needs to be solitary….
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