I was actually looking for a more provokative title but then I also did not want to insult anyone. So what do I mean?
Modern pagans are talking a lot about their personal relationship to the gods and rituals including sacrifieces. They create a nice altar, flowers, self backed bread and cakes, wine and for some of the very masculine gods even hard liquor. Sounds very nice and must look beautiful. And I mean it without any sarcasm or irony intended. But then, I always thought something is missing.
When we read about the ancient/historic heathens in pre-Christian times, we can also read about rather archaic rituals, slaughtering of animals, spreading of blood and even as the ultimate gift to the gods, the human sacrifice. Now, I am not advertising to go around and butchering the guy from next door who is creepy anyways (or is that you?). But as far as some modern pagans even claim to have linage to their ancient ancestors, why flowers and cookies would do these days? Of course we would find ourselfs having to explain to those in uniforms what the hell we were thinking when cutting the throat of that lamb in the garden, smearing the warm blood all over ourselfs and ours.
But seriously, unless we believe that the gods have changed in their nature, why would their needs, their preferences, their demands have changed? Odin is not just that obscure god of a bit of war and wisdom who brought the runes. He was the one who was pleased by blood. If you take your paganism serious, you have to take the gods nature serious. This specifically counts for those who add magic to their beliefs and practice as the energies we call upon are very specific. We cannot just modernize the gods so they fit in with our yoga class and caffee lattes.
Thus we need to find ways to add that which has always been part of it. Some are hunters and then things may be easyer. But it is not everyone's thing to butcher even a chicken having looked into its eyes. But there are other ways. We may order meat for the specific purpose of a sacrifice, keep it bloody. Come up with something creative other than pie.
If the ritual or its purpose is really important I am even using what comes closest to human sacrifice, I am using my own blood. Of course I am not cutting of my legs or arms or take out organs but a ritual cut and a few drops of blood do more of a representation of a sacrifice than grapes and flowers. Unless you do a sacrifice towards your prefered female diety. But then, are you sure you really know her?
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